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Baoding Xianqi Power Equipment Technology Co., Ltd

Service hotline:0312-3277385/3277530    CN / EN


Product performance

Home -Product performance-Turning Gears for Steam Turbines


Turning Gears for Steam Turbinesperformance

End user Crew Producer Quantity Use Date Notes
Guangdong Guohua Huizhou Thermoelectricity Branch 300 MW Dongfang Turbine 1 Set 10/ 2010
Jiangsu Huaiyin Power LLC 600 MW Shanghai Turbine 1 Set 09/ 2010
Guiyang Sanruida Trading Co., Ltd. 600 MW GM 1 Set 2012
Anhui Pingyu Power LLC 600 MW Harbin Turbine 1 Set 07/2010

Address :20, Liandong U Valley, Mancheng Economic and Technological Development Zone, Baoding City, Hebei Province#
Fax :(86) (312) 3269258

Telephone :0312-3277385/3277530

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